I knew I would do this someday. Just didnt know it was today. People who know me will associate Dash quite immediately with me.Its part of my lingo and now a part of many others too. So...DASH,,!,,....what is DASH?...?
Dash is used as part of a sentence in place of just anything. Not that tough to understand actually! Dash is dash__________......as in just a blank space.....just like fill in the blanks that we all had back in school!!!...remember?.... Just that here its not bound by answers. Here the answer unlike in school is not there is the last few pages of the text book. The answer is in the mind of the interpreter. Dash could mean one thing from the speaker and could be interpreted as anything by the listener. This way speaker can be happy that he has successfully abused the listener and the listener could just interpret is as praising and feel proud about it. Let me explain with the help of an example(VTU students are quite used to this) :
Let us say donkey wants to abuse monkey...but again donkey doesnt want to be too explicit about this...Hence he says..." You are such a big dash that even dash's dash would look small in comparison!!!!." What donkey actually intended to say was this -'You are such a big asshole that even Big Bang theory's black hole would look small in comparison!!!!'... but monkey interprets the same as -'You are such a big performer that even Amitabh Bachan's performance would look small in comparison!!!!'. So you see how the same sentence gets interpreted in 2 different ways and both the speaker and the listener are happy after the episode. This is what a DASH actually stands for. First I though I ll copyright it but then realized the piracy rates these days are so high that I wouldn't achieve much by copyrighting. Hence I have decided to share it with you myself. Use it well and come up with some better instance where the dash could mean more than one thing. If there is something really interesting do share it with me!...:)