LMT (Final Episode)
This should be short and crisp I said to myself. This should make everyone remember LMT atleast for a moment and say "hmmmmmm :(" i told myself. This should be the best I have done till date I thought to myself. Then I just thought, if I could recreate that, I would win the Booker for this!!!!...Cannot put the end in words...it goes beyond it!! .
The story went on from where I left and took more turns and twists. By the end of it we managed to keep up the tradition of losing the last competitive performance. We also managed to add a few more $ in the kitty. But what mattered most was the end. We were all looking forward to it. We were all looking forward for it to not come. Tears rolled down at the end of it all. People stood up and applauded the effort. 4years of continuous attempts to bring smiles on those thousands of faces in the audience and at the end those thousands faces made us cry. Tears rolled down and words and actions took a back seat for a while. It was when Avinash had to introduce us at the end, and we had all collapsed on stage as part of the last joke. Avinash came ahead and we stood up, the audience stood there and applauded. We were back on our feet somehow and the audience applauded more. Avinash started to introduce us and the audience applauded more. He tried to get to the first name but the applause did not stop. The applause did not die until actually Avinash started for the 3rd time to introduce the first person. The ardent fans in the first few rows screamed our names. Every name was welcomed with more applause and more scream. That was it. That would be the end of a glorious era in mad ads. Tomorrow there will be someone else crying, someone else performing for the last time. someone else crying in the back stage but that wont be me, wont be an LMT again, wont be the same..... ever again!!!....Its been an honor trying to make you all laugh. Thank you for being a great audience....This is where we say....
la la la la.....hey hey hey hey...na na na na.....Good Bye........
I believe i have missed the introduction to the characters in the previous episodes....so here they go....
1. Avinash M V: A nerd, the dancing narrator
2. Devaiah P B: Mr Hello Daddy
3. Aditya Hegde: Mr Controversial French beard
4. Rohan Shetty: Mr Greatest hijda ever
5. Rahul Sainath: Mr Drunken Manager, a drunkard
6. Manish Achutha: Mr NPS passout
7. Rohit Atri: Mr Repeated jokes, Mr Despo
8. Rajiv B G: Mr Serious Theatre, an idiot
9: Franz Mendonza: Mr Wat does that mean!?
10: Bharat A: me:)
You are going to write more on LMT right?
nope....i am done....:(
That's what George Lucas said in 1983 after 'Return of the Jedi'.
You aren't done.
I hope Tarle's prequel is not as bad as the new trilogy.
You are popular maga you need to write more i guess. But this one was really good. The last performance always touch's more. And i hope the LMT spirit lives in each one of you.
LMT rocks and so does ur blog!! keepp up the stup(id)endous work!!
I understand mr.repeated jokes. What's with mr.despo?
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